Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chapter 12

At some point in everyone’s life, there is going to be some sort of crisis whether as small as a bad hair day, or maybe as grand as what is going through right now. Needless to say his situation is not rare coming from an athlete but from an athlete of his magnitude, this is devastating to his reputation. It wasn’t long ago where we heralded Tiger Woods as Who’s Now: the Ultimate Sports Star by way of a bracket system completed by ESPN where he beat out Lebron James in the final vote. For such a high-profile athlete, other than his golf tournaments and numerous commercials, he has chosen a rather low-profile personal life. However, his silence about the situation was not the best way of handling the wreck because at that point, in his silence is when all of the speculation began. He, then, attempted to appease the situation by coming forth with his apology for his wrong actions but by then it was too late because he had denied the very thing he admitted to doing later.

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