Sunday, December 13, 2009

Is this PR? (5) Facebook Fan Pages

It seems like everyone now-a-days has a fan page. Heck, for some reason...I've got a fan page (i'm not a fan of myself, nor did I create it if that's what you are wondering) but I'm under the impression that fan pages are a way of PR because most of the fan pages are of organizations. They advertise upcoming events, hot deals on their products, and latest news within the organization. While the companies themselves may not be running them, some of them have PR people running that site for them and interacting with the "fans" of their page. The good thing about it is you can invite people to become friends and continue to get your name out there in the public eye and it is a free way of going around the system.

Chapter 12

At some point in everyone’s life, there is going to be some sort of crisis whether as small as a bad hair day, or maybe as grand as what is going through right now. Needless to say his situation is not rare coming from an athlete but from an athlete of his magnitude, this is devastating to his reputation. It wasn’t long ago where we heralded Tiger Woods as Who’s Now: the Ultimate Sports Star by way of a bracket system completed by ESPN where he beat out Lebron James in the final vote. For such a high-profile athlete, other than his golf tournaments and numerous commercials, he has chosen a rather low-profile personal life. However, his silence about the situation was not the best way of handling the wreck because at that point, in his silence is when all of the speculation began. He, then, attempted to appease the situation by coming forth with his apology for his wrong actions but by then it was too late because he had denied the very thing he admitted to doing later.

Chapter 11

We are in an age where technology is constantly improving. In December of 1990, there was only one web site and exactly sixteen years later, there were over 100 million web sites. We are able to things people thought of as unimaginable, for instance I recently flew from Atlanta to Los Angeles and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that our plane was equipped with satellite TV and wireless internet. Another use of cyber-relations in the digital age is this society’s tendency to interact by way of a mobile way. With all of the different types of phones (such as iPhone, Blackberry, Droid, etc) there is no such thing as being out of the office. The phones have network connectivity that can reach files that are on a computer thousands of miles away in a matter of minutes. The new phones are not only used for business, the phones have plenty of entertainment features which are good for PR as well.

Chapter 9

Picking up from the last chapter, chapter nine goes into more depth on what tactics consist of. One of the better tactical methods in today’s society is the use of social media. Social media has five major characteristics that set them apart from a PR stand point: participation because they encourage feedback; openness because they are easy to access; conversation because they encourage quick two-way communication; community because they form groups based on common interests; connectedness because of their ability to link to other social media.

Chapter 8

This chapter is all about planning and the steps required to do it successfully. Brainstorming is probably the simplest and probably one of the better methods of planning. We learned about brainstorming in elementary school because whenever we had to write a “long” essay, our teacher would have us brainstorm our ideas on paper before we wrote the rough draft. In public relations, brainstorming takes the process a little farther because they will usually ask the tough questions about the quality of their research. There are five discussion areas that a brainstorming session will try to cover:

Publics: Which publics are or must be involved in the issue?

Resources: To reach our goals, what resources do we require from each public?

Values: What are each public’s interests, stakes, or involved values?

Message: What message should we send to each public?

Media: You’re not limited to just one channel of communication when you send a message to a targeted public.

All five of those areas point back to the goal, which in the brainstorming grid is the head of the diagram. The goal is the starting point and is a generalized statement of the outcome you hope your plan achieves. Once you have a well-written goal, then the next step is finding out the objective which defines particular ambitions as opposed to being a general statement.

Chapter 7

In public relations, there is a process that all PR passes thru and the first step of it is research whereas the final step is evaluation. There are many ways that PR agents conduct research and one of the more accurate ways to gauge public opinion is by way of survey research. Many people use this method even though each survey is unique in its own way because there are five different ways to ask questions and many surveys utilize more than one way. One of the best ways to exemplify this is in the way that has allowed people to cast their vote for who they think the Heisman trophy should go to. ESPN was giving the public around 12 names to choose from as well as a write-in ballot box, if they so choose to use it

Chapter 4

A public is any group whose members have a common interest or common values in a particular situation. The word stakeholder often substitutes for the word public. Resource dependency theory is comprised of three beliefs: (1) To fulfill their values, organizations need resources, such as raw materials and people to work for the organization. (2) Some of those key resources are not controlled by the organization, so (3) to acquire those key resources; organizations must build productive relationships with the publics that control the resources. However it’s obvious that it’s darn near impossible to keep up with all of the publics that organizations have relationships, which is why categories are so important. Some of the categories include traditional and nontraditional, primary and secondary, and internal and external publics just to name a few.